nitro compound

英 美
  • 硝基化合物
  • compound n.化合物;复合词;复合物n.院子(用围墙圈起来的场地)adj.化合的;【语】(词语等)复合的;【植】复合的;【动】群体的vt.混合;调合;使严重;私了;【经】以复利计算vi.妥协
  • nitro n.硝基;硝化甘油adj.硝基的;含硝石的
    1. The mechanism and the methods of electrochemistry or combined electrochemistry and other technology to degenerate Nitro compound were introduced in this paper.
    2. As the isocyan group is polymerized further, diphenyl carbondiimine may be formed, further polymerization of which forms a nitrogen-containing polycyclic aromatic compound.